About Us
Environmental Waste Minimization, Inc. was built, and continues to grow, on a strong foundation of core values and beliefs. With every partnership we establish, and with every project we take on, the ultimate goal is complete customer satisfaction.
We achieve this by providing superior environmental management services, supported by strict adherence to governing regulations. At EWMI, we respect and understand the significance of the financial, legal and social aspects of protecting our clients’ interests, as well as protecting the environment we all share.
With corporate offices in Northampton, PA, and Bakersfield, CA, EWMI’s services extend throughout the nation.

We build mutually beneficial client partnerships based on:
- Integrity
- Trust
- Compliance
- Financial strength
- Commitment to complete customer satisfaction
Offices on each coast
EWMI corporate headquarters are located in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania, more widely known as the Allentown area. Serving the industrial Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest, we are also able to mobilize service teams throughout the country. Our location makes it possible to draw from many area colleges and universities for our summer intern and mentoring program, as well as a continuous pool of graduates from the sciences to support our firm’s growth.
In California, EWMI is located in Bakersfield at the lower end of the San Joaquin Valley. Better known as California’s Central Valley, it is located in one of the country’s largest petroleum and agricultural producing areas. Like on the East Coast, we are centrally located and able to serve both southern and northern California. From Bakersfield we deploy service teams from Washington state to Texas and all states in-between.
The value of our team members
EWMI takes great pride in our number one resource: our staff! years and counting … we’re dedicated to our clients and each other. Our long-tenured employees provide consistency and continuity for our clients and subcontractors. Together we’ve established a winning formula for helping our clients solve their environmental and fiscal challenges.
Proactive management
In the waste management industry, onsite “unknowns” can arise at any time. How we handle them is what separates EWMI from your typical environmental contractor. Our proactive approach has enabled us to dramatically reduce and, ultimately, eliminate unexpected issues.
EWMI’s project management teams are committed to maintaining open lines of communication during the life of a project — and beyond. Our goal is to ensure that your goals and expectations are being met and satisfied.
EWMI’s proactive management is facilitated by:
- An in-house administrator assigned to oversee each project from start to finish
- Employees who respect and understand the significance of financial, legal and social aspects of our clients’ interest
- A partnership style that is not afraid to detect and correct issues early — to listen, learn and share
Our vested employees and proactive management style will earn your trust. Please contact our knowledgeable client services team.