A core value that has earned us recognition
- We have accumulated over 1 million work hours without an LTI (lost time injury).
- Our average Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) over the past three years is 0.60.

EWMI received the Pennsylvania
2017 Governor’s Award for Safety Excellence
Issued by the PA Department of Labor & Industry
ISN’s Review and Verification Service (RAVS) Plus
ISN’s RAVS Plus assessment thoroughly evaluates the implementation of a contractors’ health and safety practices at every organizational level, ensuring that you can trust your contractors to operate safely. EWMI has successfully met all essential requirements and carries the RAVS Plus certification.
Unlike standard documentation reviews, the RAVS Plus assessment encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s overall health and safety program. The following criteria are required for RAVS Plus certification:
- Review of all training materials
- Examination of related documents, including training logs and inspection checklists
- An in-person office inspection
This rigorous process ultimately assures you that our safety standards are among the highest in the industry. Upon completion of the extensive audit, ISN provides a detailed review of our health and safety practices for companies interested in hiring through ISN.
As a contractor, developing a robust Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) program provides a framework for maintaining safe and sustainable operations. Hiring Clients across all industries want assurance that these programs are put into practice throughout their contractors’ organizations, from the management level down to the work boots that touch their job sites. With this, Hiring Clients have asked ISN to help by going a step further in the due diligence process to ensure that what is written on paper in a contractor’s safety program is being implemented in day-to-day operations.

Daily safety tailgate meetings
Before the start of every workday at each job site, the project manager conducts a safety meeting with the crew. This helps to ensure that safety is always top of mind for everyone involved in a project.

Blue Card safety observations
For each project, crew members are given “Blue Cards,” a handy form that allows them to fully document any safety-related issues they observe — good or bad. Our Corporate Health & Safety Director reviews the cards and promptly takes the necessary action to rectify an unsafe situation or acknowledge positive safety situations. These observations provide important leading indicators that are used to continually improve our safety programs and culture.

Stop Work Authority Policy
This program establishes the Stop Work Authority (SWA) of all team members and contractors to suspend individual tasks or group operations when the control of Health, Safety or Environmental (HSE) risk is not clearly recognized or understood and/or equipment service is compromised. It is the policy of Environmental Waste Minimization Inc. and Rapid Response Inc. (EWMI/RRI) that:
- All team members have the authority and responsibility to stop any task or operation where concerns or questions regarding the control of HSE exist.
- No work will resume until all stop work issues and concerns have been effectively addressed.
- Any form of retribution or intimidation directed at any team member or company for exercising their authority as outlined in this program will not be tolerated.

Days since last recordable injury
Five-year average TRIR
Major safety awards
Commitment to safety